UBD and Developing Learning Objectives

Understanding by Design by Wiggins and McTighe: Developing Goals and Objectives
UBD Fillable Form

Blooms Taxonomy Teacher Planner Kit  Excellent resource for thinking about learning objectives, essential questions and activities that are appropriately matched to the learning objective

Techniques and Methods for Writing Objectives and Performance Outcomes (Gagne/Briggs, ABCD (IDI), Mager)

Educational Goals and Objectives: Excellent presentation explaining how to write learning objectives with good examples, using the ABCD technique

Creating Interesting Learning Objectives – the Rapid e-Learning blog.

Writing Learning Objectives in 3 Parts – the eLearning Coach blog.

Learning Objectives Don’t HAVE To Be Boring! Below are some good ideas, examples for creating teasers and more interesting ways to introduce topics:

MakeOver: Turn Objectives into Motivators  Kathy Moore gives examples of how to take a bulleted list of objectives and make them motivating.

An example posted on YouTube to create interest for a Photoshop course highlights what you’ll be able to accomplish if you take the course: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvy3vz6-g8M

Five Ways to Open Your Blog Post with a Bang can be modified to read open your weekly lecture, or your course module, or your class with a bang. Some good ideas for creating interest.

Tom Kuhlman demonstrates why you need an Emergency Preparedness Kit — makes it quite compelling, don’t you agree?  http://elearning-examples.s3.amazonaws.com/emergprep/story.html

This Adobe captivate demonstrates using a scenario-based hook to begin a unit or course: http://blogs.adobe.com/captivate/2011/09/my-little-secret-about-learning-objectives.html

Do you believe this infographics about Learning Objectives? Making Stops on the Journey

Create a press release for your course module: Sample

Would this Video Surveillance graphic make you interested in learning more?

video surveillance


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