Hello from Adrainne

Adrienne FishI am an Asst Professor in the Special Education department at UAS in Juneau. I am excited about taking iTeach2 and am looking forward to learning techniques to help create engaging, accessible and informative online classes for our students.

I am sorry that my introduction is not more interesting but I could not figure out how to create and embed a voice thread.  I guess you can see how much I really need this training :-).

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13 Responses to Hello from Adrainne

  1. Kathi says:

    Feel free to add a photo Adrainne. That alone will add a lot of interest. I look forward to seeing you again next week. Get ready for some fun!

  2. sitkamary56 says:

    Welcome Adrainne! No worries, you’re going to get to make a fancy introduction on Day 1!

  3. maureen says:

    yeah – we are demo’ing some software to make intros – you’ll be doing it next week!

  4. Hi Adrainne, looking at the agenda I think that some of us will be learning a LOT! I get stuck in a rut using my same old stuff… so I’m definitely looking forward to branching out 🙂

  5. drcathomas says:

    Ok. A picture has been uploaded but I wanted it next to my name. I’m clueless.

  6. Hi Adrainne – I look forward to meeting you next week! I’m coming to Sitka from the Juneau campus and I am faculty in the School of Management. ~charla

  7. Kathi says:

    Adding a profile photo is done under your Dashboard — look for where it says My Profile– there you an upload your “gravitar” photo.

  8. TinaC says:

    Looks like you received your answer from Kathi – I made a quick screencast using Camtasia showing you how to put an image in your post, which I realized wasn’t even your question as I was making it 🙂 I also failed to pick up my voice so now it is a silent video 🙁 This may make you wonder about my instructional skills, although I hope it demonstrates that we all make mistakes and are continuing to learn when it comes to technology in education.

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